Sunday, February 10, 2008

How does injection molding work

You can see here; How does injection molding work? step by step:

Step 1: Plastic granules are melted down and whit screwinjected into the mold.

Step 2: The mold is held under pressure (hold pressure) until the plastic material cools and hardens.

Step 3: Once the material ( plastic or metal) hardens, the mold is opened and the part is removed from mould.

Step 4 : Mould again closed and the process can be repeated.

All injection system use like this method.

Materials such as PS, nylon, PP and PE can be used in a process called injection moulding. These are thermoplastics.This means when they are heated and then pressured in a mould they can be formed into different shapes. Click a simple photo of an injection moulding machine is shown below.

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