Monday, February 11, 2008

blow moulding machines for cosmetics

blow moulding machines for cosmeticsBy extrusion blow-moulding technology we produce hollow-bodies, pots and tubes for different cosmeticsand personal care products, namely shampoos, creams and lotions, hair dyes, cleansing detergents,deodorizers, sticks, mascaras, bath-foams, eye drops contact lens solutions, foundations, talcum powder,sun creams, etc. Plastics are winning more and more share in the cosmetics and perfumery sectors and inthe field of personal care, thanks to the higher versatility in the bottle design and to infrangibility. Cosmeticsproducers require versatile machinery suitable for the production of excellent aesthetic appearancecontainers and able to guarantee durable quality over time. It is precisely thanks to these qualities that manyoperators have shown their preference for Plastiblow blow moulding machines, particularly appreciating theirability to achieve very strict thickness tolerances and very reduced times for colour changes.Well known throughout the world for their choice of quality technical solutions and for construction accuracy,the Plastiblow production range features several models with single or double carriage and single or multipleheads, both for single layer and multi-layer extrusion.Deep interest involved the new electrically activated Plastiblow machines for the production of containersdestined to the cosmetics field, basically because the absence of hydraulic actuators avoids anycontamination from products and environment and allows using the machine in white rooms with controlledatmosphere. These blow-moulding machines are the result of a highly trained mechanical project, developedby Plastiblow since the beginning of the 80’s and marked by the electric translation movement of the mouldcarriage, the absence of hydraulic units and by the substitution of hydraulic cylinders with servo-drivenmotors. These improvements brought along several advantages: movements evenness, decrease inproductions rejects, lower working costs, lower maintenance costs and reduction in the environmental impactthanks to the absence of hydraulic fluids and reduction in noise.Electric blow-moulding machines are particularly appreciated by those customers who work in the cosmeticfields and want to produce bottles of small size but excellent finish, very similar to glass. As a matter of factPlastiblow achieved brilliant results with multi-cavities machines to process PETG and PET by usingpatented heads whose design allows a very good distribution of the flows without stagnation points and theconsequent material burning. A recent application concerns the processing of a shower-gel for L’Oréalproduced with Plastiblow blow-moulding machines with 3+3 cavities.Multi-layer bottles are required to obtain special characteristics impossible to achieve with one singlematerial. Some customers, for instance, produce co-extruded bottles with a two-layer structure, named“deco” or “co-layer” resulting in a container with aesthetic and tactile (soft touch) gorgeous features by usingexpensive additives only in a thin external layer .Plastimac Spa Plastiblow machines for cosmetics pag.2When the barrier effect is required to avoid perfume or flavour dispersion, or to preserve those productsbeing exposed to the air and consequently to oxydation, cosmetics bottles have a make-up of up to 6 layers.Plastiblow have also developed long stroke machines particularly suitable for the cosmetics sector wherehigh productivity is required, for instance up to a million pieces per year. Thanks to their technologicalsolutions it is now possible to reach an output that earlier could only be obtained by rotary machines, with theadvantage of producing a calibrated neck bottle completely finished in the machine.For packaging needs Plastiblow study ad-hoc solutions on the basis of the customer needs. Combiningbottles handling by conveyors, manipulators with rotary movement or on Cartesian axes, etc, all controlledby personalized logics through microprocessors or plc.Finally, for the quality control of the bottles Plastiblow can offer several in-machine devices: tester fortightness, neck obstructions and axial collapsing, in-line weighing, scraps control devices, visual checking bydigital cameras.

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